CVS w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneCVS



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168, Montague Street, 11201, Kings County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 718-855-3252
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 40.6940611, Longitude: -73.9923854

komentarze 5

  • Lincoln Chinnery

    Lincoln Chinnery


    The pimple faced kid in the pharmacy dept is rude. He couldn't answer a few simple questions so he snatched the prescriptions and stormed off. Someone else had to help us. Poor customer service on his part.

  • Ansophie Pagani

    Ansophie Pagani


    So here’s why I gave only one star. I am 13 so I look like a kid, I went in and bought a Halo Top Ice Cream which is $6.50 and a Milky Way. I had a $10 bill and the total was $8 with tax included, according to my receipt. I gave the $10 and expected $2 back, but he gave me NO CHANGE!!!!!! They totally ripped me off because I was a kid and thought they would get away with it

  • Alexandra Gilbert

    Alexandra Gilbert


    I have never had a bad experience with anyone in this store. They've always been especially friendly and helpful. I've had a lot of trouble with my insurance recently and every single person at the pharmacy has gone above and beyond to try and help me, from calling my insurance provider to recommending places to find discounts when I had to pay out of pocket.

  • Nathaniel Hang

    Nathaniel Hang


    I came to CVS today to pickup cough med for my sick daughter. The Rep (wore a black sweater - no lap coat) from the Pharmacy counter provided poor services and was disrespectful. I simply asked for assistance to check for availability of an OTC cough med at another CVS store. She told me "it is an OTC medicine and we can not check for you." She walked away as she was completing her sentence. To CVS Rep, you are a professional Care Provider, the first level of skill set is customer service. Be courteous and respectful to your customer because we are the one who is writing your paycheck.

  • Raconteuse



    I recently accompanied a friend, who was filling a prescription, to this Brooklyn Heights pharmacy. While we waited, a mentally ill customer--most likely schizophrenic--began screaming inanities at everyone. Security was called over the PA system in a discreet manner and their guard was quite courteous, skilled and empathetic in dealing with her. I was shocked, however, to notice that almost the entire pharmaceutical staff members in the back behind the counter were openly laughing and mocking her. I immediately told them to stop and show some compassion and respect. The head pharmacist, a woman sporting a hijab, was possibly the worst culprit and should have set a better example for her team. These CVS employees DO NOT deserve to call themselves health care professionals! They--of all people--should know that mental illness is genetic and, therefore, the luck (or lack thereof) of the draw, and this poor woman obviously drew a short straw. They should be helping reduce the stigma of mental illness--not perpetuating it. Needless to say, they have lost my custom. SHAME ON YOU LOT!

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