CVS i Washington

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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1418, P Street Northwest, 20005, Washington, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 202-939-5735
internet side:
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Latitude: 38.90935, Longitude: -77.0328073

kommentar 5

  • אלי מגן

    אלי מגן


    good Phar

  • en

    Anthony Battiato


    Had a good experience with the pharmacy today and a plus it is open 24 hours. It does seem run down though.

  • jisanet gonzalez

    jisanet gonzalez


    The worse services ever if you need anything from there pharmacy don't waste your time. They are rude specialty Shaw he is nasty and disrespectful. I can't believe hhow unprofessional they are.

  • Sam Sweeney

    Sam Sweeney


    This store is filthy, run down and the staff appear as if they would rather be anywhere else in the world than in that store. If you order photos from the 1 hour photo, don't plan on getting your pictures in an hour... you must order them and then go in after an hour and tell the person that you ordered the pictures... then they will drag their feet over to the machine and print them for you.

  • B R

    B R


    The employees are nice but the store is run down and needs an overhaul. Plus at any given time of the day there are at least 3 or more homeless standing out front of the door harassing people as they enter and leave.

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