CVS w Arlington

Stany ZjednoczoneCVS



🕗 godziny otwarcia

1100, Wilson Boulevard, 22209, Arlington, Arlington County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 703-243-0036
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 38.8943397, Longitude: -77.0705817

komentarze 5

  • en

    Eagles Heat


    The staff is great from my experience there. I go to this location at least 1 once a week but the product selection is very limited compared to other CVS. A little shocking since it’s so many apartments and condos near by. I only find half of what I need and end up having to drive to another location to get the rest

  • en



    Decent CVS but that short black chick cashier had a HORRIBLE attitude. She don’t talk and has an angry look on her face. If that chick don’t like her job then she needs to find another one.

  • Kendall Church

    Kendall Church


    5 stars for the pharmacy, 2 stars for the rest of the store. Like the rest of the ubiquitous CVSes in the DC metro area, it's overpriced in every department, and the store brand itself is terrible. Also, watch out for mis-priced items.

  • Ethan Stackpole

    Ethan Stackpole


    Enthusiastic staff and easy checkout

  • en

    Kevin B


    Very convenient to my office, very helpful and friendly staff. My only negative is the near-full transition to self checkout. If the machines worked properly I wouldn't mind, but they constantly require a human to come over and make them work, and I see that with other customers as well...not just me. I get trying to save money by using technology to replace humans...but you have to make sure the technology is reliable first!

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