CVS w Burleson

Stany ZjednoczoneCVS



🕗 godziny otwarcia

Poniedziałekotwarte 24 godziny
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Środaotwarte 24 godziny
Czwartekotwarte 24 godziny
Piątekotwarte 24 godziny
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Niedzielaotwarte 24 godziny
100, Southwest Wilshire Boulevard, 76028, Burleson, Johnson County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 817-295-1125
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 32.5450404, Longitude: -97.3285072

komentarze 5

  • en

    Chelsea Lancaster


    If I could give this location less than a one star I would. You sit on hold for an insane amount of time to speak with anyone in the pharmacy, they are so rude and never helpful.

  • en

    Tandi Cates


    I would like to give them a better rating but, I can’t. The staff I think try. But, how many reviews does it take to say STAFF this place. I am waiting on hold for over 15 mins. My company makes us use cvs!!! WAKE UP cvs!!!!!

  • Stephanie



    Pharmacy is incredibly slow, and rude about it because they know you have no choice. They have the contract with the Insurance for all Texas teachers' prescriptions and we are forced to use them. You can be dying and the wait time will be 4 hours... you drag your half dead body back up there and it's still not ready. The drive up is just as bad as inside.

  • en

    Jennifer Mock


    I went to pick up my RX at 10:00pm at night, on my way to work, and sat in the drive thru for over 10 mins, then decided to go inside, since there was no progress there. I went inside. There was only one person in the Pharmacy, the Pharmacist, Sunny, who was extremely busy, but had a soft and quiet demeanor. I would have lost my mind being that busy. I waited in line, two customers ahead of me. In the mean time, a manager came out, put a new cash drawer in one of the registers, then told Sunny, "you're good to go" then walked out of the pharmacy without so much as a thought about helping. There were customers, at least 4 more behind me, inside the store, more than 3 cars waiting at the drive thru and the phone ringing off the hook. This "manager" didn't even blink at the situation much less offer to assist the pharmacist or customers. I was seriously pissed! When I finally cashed out, it was 10:45pm, a transaction that shouldn't have taken no more than 10 mins, took over 40.Needless to say, I was late for work. I have been a customer of this pharmacy for over 4 years, I live all the way in Keene and come up to Burleson, because I preferred this CVS, but I think that is going to change. Not only that, My RX's have been getting messed up as well as the fact that my usual RX's have gone up in price, nearly 3x's what I regularly pay. Time to shop around and find a pharmacy that properly staffs their store and has supporting managers.

  • Andi Kyle

    Andi Kyle


    Pharmacy dept- I have been on hold for 12 minutes , just now someone answers and says "hold please" and before I could say anything he puts me on hold again. So far another 4 minutes as I am writing this crappy review. The scratchy piano hold music is awful. Still on hold... the other day I was at the drive thru, I finally get up to the window and they still have not filled the prescription yet But did not have the courtesy to call us and tell us there was a problem, then they tell me to circle back around and get back in line. This is the worst pharmacy. Unfortunately this is the only pharmacy covered under medicare and Obama care this year. God I hope we get to go back to Walgreens soon.

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