Custard Insurance Adjusters w Jericho

Stany ZjednoczoneCustard Insurance Adjusters


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55, Jericho Turnpike, 11753, Jericho, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 516-333-2123
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Latitude: 40.778155, Longitude: -73.563176

komentarze 1

  • en

    Rohin Srivastava


    At first they stated that they are the ones to approve or decline the claim. Now they are pointing finger at the insurance company. They did not understand the situation. I have a 1-year-old toddler in the house. My living room roof is bowed due to harsh thick icing last winter. The adjuster stated to file a separate clime for that. Don't know why? When it all happened at the same time ! Months into the claim they were not responding so I decided to call them follow up. Because they never do. When they declined the claim they stated that there is not collateral damages to the roof. They needed to see if the roof had an opening or something. In my eyes as a new parent the last thing I want is to someone to get hurt due to their negligence. All I want is to fix the issue before it gets worse. Now months into the claim they declined it and blamed it on the insurance company. They stated if I get professional (Roof expert) justifying the damages they will be able to help. So I had a professional come in and justifying and estimating the damages. They still did not get back to me. It seems like I had to call them to give me the status in terms of what’s going on. Now they are blaming the insurance company that they have declined me due to the age of the roof. In fact the roof is not even 2 years old. Took matters into my own hands again and I decided to call the insurance company and one of the reps stated that "We have nothing to do in terms of approving it or declining it because they are not there inspecting it. Now based on what she said I decided to give a call back to Custard insurance adjusters and they are not responding. They recently got a home engineer that they hired and paid supposedly $1500 or $1600 for the 10 minutes that he was here. At the time he stated, “I can not determine what is causing the bowing of the roof so I will tell them it can’t be determined. Now he stated that there is no vent on the roof where it’s bowed. So again I decided to take matters in my own hands and discovered a vent and took pictures. The engineer tells me that the vent is not for the roof it’s for some kitchen exhaust or pipe venting. They are trying to scramble anything to deny me. List goes on and on. It’s like they are determined to deny me no matter what. Honestly the worst customer service I have ever seen.

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