Curry Thomas Hardware Stores i Jacksonville

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Forenede StaterCurry Thomas Hardware Stores



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3135, Beach Boulevard, 32207, Jacksonville, Duval County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 904-398-1650
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Latitude: 30.305064, Longitude: -81.6330742

kommentar 5

  • Eric Hirtzel

    Eric Hirtzel


    Great place to get help with what you need!

  • en

    James Pugh


    Just good old men making a living prices ate good to.

  • Raymond Miller

    Raymond Miller


    I understand this hardware has been in Jacksonville for a long time, However if friendly helpful service is what your looking for, go somewhere else. They only hire rude people, don't ask a question because it just seems to aggravate them. I have made several visits and each time I run into help that just act like someone put a turd in there coffee, I will never return,

  • Robert wayne

    Robert wayne


    Gary is not a real gunsmith he has a know it all attitude. I recently asked him to pull a sabot bullet out of the barrel of my muzzleloader. He just wanted to argue with me and tell me you cant use sabot bullets in a muzzleloader. Gary says you have to use the ball and patches for muzzleloaders which is dead wrong you can use a sabot bullet instead of a ball and patch. Gary said he would not pull out the bullet and said if I was you I would tie it up to a tree in the woods and use a long string and pull the trigger. Gary told me whoever told me I could use a sabot bullet gave me wrong information I said that my hunting partner has been using this gun that way for decades why would he lie about it Gary said he gave me the wrong information so I pick up the muzzleloader disgusted I then call Green Acres and tell them what he said about tying up the gun in the woods they said bring it by so I did and after they pulled out the sabot bullet they said this sabot bullet was for inline muzzleloaders they asked where I purchase I said online they said send it all back I looked online for this ammo and it did not say for inline only. The company was nice enough to refund me the money for the bullet having to be pulled out. My hunting partner took his gun to have Garry the gunsmith at curry Thomas do something basic to his gun that any regular gunsmith could do but he could not .How can you call yourself a gunsmith if you cant even do basic gun work. I will never take my guns to him again and I let the rest of his staff know all about this and has lost a customer due to Garry and his know it all attitude and I have nothing good to say to people about him

  • Edward Hutchinson

    Edward Hutchinson


    Horrible Experience. Tried to purchase a simple paint scraper over the phone and the guy in the hardware dept acted like he did want anything to do with helping to find the right product. (Actually asked me to come in and pick oput what I wanted) Gasps and grunts when given specific dimensions of the product. No worries. I'll take my business elsewhere. Good thing I only need 10 scrapers and 50 blades.

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