Curry Dream w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneCurry Dream



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66, West 39th Street, 10018, New York, New York County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1
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Latitude: 40.7526713, Longitude: -73.98517

komentarze 5

  • David Karp

    David Karp


    Not fancy at all (to be kind) but the food is consistently excellent. They also have a lunch buffet, same great food, all you can eat, for about $13.

  • en

    Amal Najjar


    I love the food they make and at a very good price. My favorite meal is there butter chicken, and many other dishes. They have a very friendly staff, and you don't wait long before getting your meal. Definitely will come again.

  • Suhail Yusuf Khan

    Suhail Yusuf Khan


    Excellent food and very hospitable staff. They even gave me a free sweet dish. Its a rice pudding known as kheer. I'd love to eat there again.

  • en

    Shanjeed Ali


    I've been here a few times but usually go for their buffet. I came in for dinner tonight. They were a bit busy but the service was pretty fast and the waiter was very friendly. Their food was amazing, especially considering their prices. I got their Dal Makhni and actually ended up getting some to take home. I'll definitely be stopping by again

  • Stephen McCarron

    Stephen McCarron


    Love this Restaurant. Visit it a couple of times per trip whenever we're in NYC. And over a period of at least 2 years the food has remained at a high level of quality. The staff are friendly, relaxed and seem genuinely anxious to please their guests. The food is delicious with a great selection of dishes. My wife says the Garlic Naan is the best ever anywhere. High praise indeed.

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