CubeSmart Self Storage w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneCubeSmart Self Storage



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338, 3rd Avenue, 11215, Kings County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 718-852-8011
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.6757364, Longitude: -73.9874606

komentarze 5

  • Ana Carvalho

    Ana Carvalho


    Moving my things into my storage unit at CubeSmart was incredibly easy, and the staff were suuuper nice and helpful. The facility itself is clean and accessible. Highly recommend!

  • Elizabeth Ward

    Elizabeth Ward


    We had just the best experience!!! Tony was so incredibly helpful and volunteered to assist with something we could not move. Mame Gueye was super helpful getting us checked out in a tight time frame. Thanks so much to both of them! Elizabeth Ward

  • en

    Annette Geldzahler


    This CubeSmart is great enough that I'm prompted to write a review. The staff is friendly and helpful. The facility has ample parking in the back plus a loading dock which makes it very convenient and easy to use (I checked other facilities near me in Brooklyn and this was the only one with parking, which makes a huge difference). It's climate controlled and clean. And, bonus, it's right near Whole Foods.

  • Rahul Deshmukh

    Rahul Deshmukh


    Signed up few weeks ago. Sign up was easy and short. Staff is knowledgeable and explains terms clearly. The aisles are clean and well lit and so are the units. Parking is readily available and provides easy access to units. Highly recommend this location.

  • Steve Rose

    Steve Rose


    Great price for 5x5 locker. Great customer service. Managers have all been very friendly. Convenient location, parking, and access hours. Only complaint so far into my first month is that my personal access code has not worked. I was first told that the entire system was down, but after 10 days I am not sure why it still hasn't been fixed. That said, someone at the desk has provided a temporary access code for these 3 visits and have assured me that it will be resolved asap. One additional comment - you have to basically climb to reach the 5x5 lockers, which is not ideal for heavy items/furniture, just a warning.... but I do feel like I'm getting a solid value here.

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