CrossFit War Streets- Pittsburgh i Pittsburgh

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Forenede StaterCrossFit War Streets- Pittsburgh



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600, West North Avenue, 15212, Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 412-321-8594
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Latitude: 40.4546175, Longitude: -80.0129093

kommentar 5

  • en

    Hasan Rahim


    Thanks to Sara I look forward to working out in the early AM every day. Doing CrossFit has been a great step forward in getting in shape and I heavily recommend this class to anyone, no matter your fitness level. I promise you will learn new things and feel better about yourself.

  • en

    Pat H


    New to CrossFit and thankful to have joined Sara and the people in this group. Sara is a great instructor and learning from her and the guys and girls in this group challenges me to do more in each session than I would have thought possible. Killer workouts for sure but accommodating every level of fitness and experience.

  • en

    Trevor Shaw


    War Streets CrossFit is an amazing class. Sara is a great teacher, and is very encouraging. The workouts can be adjusted for beginners or experts. Every month you work to progress to a new goal. It is a blast learning new workouts. I have lost weight, and am stronger thanks to War Streets CrossFit at the YMCA.

  • Catlyn Brooke

    Catlyn Brooke


    Sara is a knowledgeable and encouraging instructor. She consistently works hard to help participants set and achieve personal monthly goals. I felt welcomed when I began to attend classes and can already see results from my 2 months of participation. Come prepared to sweat and have fun!

  • en

    Melissa Golba


    I joined this CrossFit group around the end of February and have been hooked ever since. Sara is an amazingly knowledgeable and supportive trainer and makes sure each class builds off of individual skills and needs. I tried CrossFit a couple of years ago and quit feeling disappointed because the intensity was just too much for what I could do and didn't feel I had the support from either my group or the instructors to get past the hurdles and progress physically. My experience with Sara and the group here at the Allegheny YMCA has been the exact opposite where I Sara and the group will do whatever they can to support my goal achievement. I can definitely notice physical differences from these past 4 months...I'm stronger, more tone, quicker and have more stamina during my running days. I cannot recommend CrossFit War Streets enough!!! If you are questioning anything just join up and give it about a month. Just when you think you've had enough; you'll be able to do the one skill you've been working on and then the whole thing makes sense!

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