CrossFit Heat w Dallas

Stany ZjednoczoneCrossFit Heat



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810, South Saint Paul Street, 75201, Dallas, Dallas County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 888-610-8266
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 32.7765619, Longitude: -96.7932071

komentarze 5

  • en

    C Dub


    Awesome staff, ownership and box!!

  • Kenneth Sanders

    Kenneth Sanders


    Nice people and a great Sunday WOD! Easy access from the Omni hotel via the "house car".

  • Alexa Lauren

    Alexa Lauren


    I specifically came to the gym for Jose, the Olympic weightlifting coach. I took a break and was going to go back to weightlifting when I was informed that Jose no longer coached there. It's a shame that a professional, Nationals qualifying, accredited coach is being replaced by someone who has less experience and education. I found this out the day before a competition, an inopportune time to release someone from the gym. Why would you fire your best coach the day before a meet? I hear this is due to new ownership and if this is so, i suggest trusting your training with someone else.

  • en

    Anthony Eimers


    I dropped in for a class while in Dallas for a week on business and would definitely go back anytime I am in the area. Coach Natalie was extremely helpful and the entire class was welcoming and supportive. They have everything you could need and my class even got to do the WOD outside because of the warm weather, which is rare this time of year coming from MI. Great gym for anyone in the Dallas area.

  • en

    Francisco Gonzalez


    I love this place! CF Heat has really taken me out of a few 'comfort zones.' First, I started August 2013. I started 'just because' and not really expecting anything. I slacked off for a few months because soon after I started it was winter and there just wasn't any motivation. Then February rolled around and I realized that summer was right around the corner. I finally decided to 'show up' and work. I have never before experienced my body asking to go back for more. Every day when 5:30 PM rolls around my body knows its time to get it! Any time I don't go, my body knows its missing out. Its been nothing short of remarkable. I absolutely love this place simply because my body likes being here. The coaches really put us to work. Second, I've always been rather 'anti-social.' I don't make friends easily unless I've been drinking LOL. Shortly after I started 'showing up,' I realized that the majority of the attendees knew my name! It goes without saying that the coaches also knew my name. So this box took me out of my comfort zone because since people knew my name, I was forced to learn peoples names and talk to them. It's been strange; my body aching to hit and gym and my social skills improving at the same time. Excellent place. I highly recommend it.

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