Crispy Crust Pizza i Los Angeles

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterCrispy Crust Pizza



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3111, Glendale Boulevard, 90039, Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 323-661-3111
internet side:
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Latitude: 34.1164622, Longitude: -118.2630443

kommentar 5

  • en

    Mike Sarkisyan


    Best Pizza in all of California. Everyone should try the pie here and the wings

  • April Dion

    April Dion


    Excellent pizza. Quick deliver. Prices reasonable but not thrifty but fun outside patio dining. I like the salad choices and wings for healthier options. Limited parking lot with Starbucks so try in back of the store if full.

  • en

    Brian Hernandez


    The pizza here is amazing!!! It's really top quality. It's really hidden and can be overlooked because of its location. Customer service is a bit iffy, almost seems as if they serve people they know as priority but definitely worth a visit.

  • Madeline Leonard

    Madeline Leonard


    Good customer service and fast on cook time. I ordered around 4:30pm on Tuesday and revived food less than 15 mins later. Order pizza & wing combo. Wings were freshly prepared and tasted great. The wings were crispy and sauce was flavorful. Pizza was good I ordered mushroom, pepperoni, sausage. They put a ton of sausage on pizza. My favorite part of their pizza was the crust it was perfect

  • Lurch One

    Lurch One


    I ordered a large pizza well done I got a medium soggy and a small overcooked. And then the guy behind the counter handed it to me and demanded full payment for an order that they screwed up. This place is wack !

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