Crazy Pepper w San Francisco

Stany ZjednoczoneCrazy Pepper



🕗 godziny otwarcia

2257, San Jose Avenue, 94112, San Francisco, San Francisco County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 37.7208808, Longitude: -122.4461899

komentarze 5

  • en



    Terrible service. My orange chicken was raw and the chow fun taste off like it was old. When I called to address this issue, I was told its not their problem and was hung up on. I called back asking to speak to a manager who proceeded to raise his voice at me and once again hung up on me.

  • Denise Varela

    Denise Varela


    This place was recommended to me by a friend and i'm not sure if it was because it was my first time and it was late. But in my opinion the food just isn't worth .. really didn't like it .

  • en

    A. Leiva


    Quick meals, food is varied on the menu, they are good to acomodate adjustments to the meal preparation… better as take out… not really recomnened eating in… slow service; and the carpet would really benefit from a professional cleaning…

  • Chris Chang

    Chris Chang


    This place looks like a family owned business which is nice and cozy; however, the food, unfortunately, wasn’t that great. We ordered the hot and sour soup, and I felt like it was microwaved. It wasn’t hot enough, and it was watery without the “hot” component in it. On the other hand, the appetizer, Crab Rangoon(?), and pepper steak were good. I would order the appetizer again if I decided to go to the restaurant, but I certainly would not seek this place out.

  • B Gaerlan

    B Gaerlan


    Got there around 2pm. Only one customer eating. ALL the tables were dirty. I sat at the least dirty table. Finally server came, wiped the table with slightly wet rag, then without waiting for it to dry, put a single napkin on the wet table. Ordered shrimp egg foo young. The egg was dry and overcooked. The room temperature shrimp was on top of the egg with a DRIZZLE of sauce. I swallowed a forkful of eggs, and tasted/spat out what seemed to be a raw squid. Never saw the server again until he gave me the check, and I really wanted to order another can of coke to wash the taste of the food.

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