Cracker Barrel Old Country Store w San Antonio

Stany ZjednoczoneCracker Barrel Old Country Store



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6330 N Interstate 35, San Antonio, TX 78218, USA
kontakt telefon: +1 210-599-8080
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Latitude: 29.4862869, Longitude: -98.4012583

komentarze 5

  • en

    Sir Persimo


    Had a wonderful server by the name of Isabella. Highly recommend her! She's so sweet :) kind of forgot cracker barrel serves dinner but this was a great idea. Had their rainbow trout which was not fishy tasting so I loved it

  • en

    Denise Finck


    Nice clean restaurant! I went around 3pm in the afternoon which I realize is an odd time. Service was painfully slow and the waitresses were very nice but they weren't very proactive. I was constantly having to flag someone down for refills on my drink and extra "free" biscuits. My brother is actually a mama Germany here so I gave him some feedback on the waitresses being pro-active instead of only operating in a reactive state. Ice tea here is to DIE for! Fresh lipton iced tea! Another plus is the country store at the entrance where the selection is large and prices are good! I had the Chicken fried chicken and asked for the gravy on the side. It took almost 20 minutes to get the meal and when I did, there was gravy all over the place! I also ordered mashed potatoes and they had a different gravy all over it. My food was served hot but apparently it had sat underneath the heat lamps for awhile. I say this because the out part of my mashed potatoes were hard and there was a gravy "skin" on them. Maybe visit during a busier time and the service would be better.

  • Francisco soto

    Francisco soto


    Cracker Barrel is an amazing place to eat with a taste of southern food. The country store in there has wonderful gifts for the upcoming holiday. The food is amazing as well. It is not too pricey and they bring you a lot of food. I highly recommend trying their pancakes and their biscuits

  • en

    Ryan Homburg


    Not the best location I've been too... Service has never been an issue at the location I got to back home. But at this location the wait staff were very unorganized and not very attentive. The food also came out different than what we ordered. I ordered a medium rare steak and was brought boot leather. And my girlfriend's eggs were Scrabbled instead of being sunny side up. It wasn't worth complaining about though because the wait for the food was already so long. I would recommend trying the other location in San Antonio. Maybe better luck there.

  • en

    Michelle Henderson


    My family members, 23 of them, met there today after a funeral. They placed several tables end to end so we could all sit together. The waitresses and kitchen staff did a great job. The manager came over to speak to us and make sure everything was good and expressed his condolences. My husband's aunt had spoken to him a couple days ago about us coming there for an early lunch. We only had to wait about 20 minutes to be seated.

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