CPR Cell Phone Repair Nanuet w Nanuet

Stany ZjednoczoneCPR Cell Phone Repair Nanuet



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211, West Route 59, 10954, Nanuet, Rockland County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 845-507-0809
strona internetowej: www.cellphonerepair.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 41.099295, Longitude: -74.020912

komentarze 5

  • en

    teddy van nostrand


    I went once to get the battery on my iphone swapped and service was great and the price was ok but the battery was still terrible( that i will never blame on the store). The second time i had gone to get something fixed i was told the part had to be ordered and it would take 2 weeks which is more then ok. I waited 2 weeks called and followed up and i was told we were still waiting to get the part in, i waitied another week and again i was told we were still waiting. It has now been 2 years and i still have not heard from them about the part comming in. I am going to assume the part is still in transit.

  • Anna Carafas

    Anna Carafas


    Great service. These guys fixed my phone's fried charging port fast. I highly recommend them.

  • en

    jack daniels


    Marcos and Crew are amazing! My daughter was having issues with her headphone jack in her iphone 6s. I had taken it to a few other places around the area but nobody seem to be able to fix it. One of my friends recommended this place. Turns out there was an issue with the motherboard of the device. MArcos and his staff were able to get the par working and my daughter couldn't be happier. The store is also very clean and presentable

  • en

    John Palmer


    great in and out in 1/2 hr as promised for home button replace with appointment

  • XesX



    Came all the way from Middletown N.Y due to all the places here either not repairing iPhone camera lenses or being miserable on the phone and having an attitude. Called here and received friendly service and all my questions were answered. Was able to make an appointment Friday afternoon for Saturday. I was told $50 and 30 minutes and that’s exactly what it was. No lies. No run arounds. Would recommend to anyone and make the 45 minute drive again. Thank you. -Shawn Abramson - 10/28/17

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