Coys Auto Repair Corp. w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneCoys Auto Repair Corp.



🕗 godziny otwarcia

640, Utica Avenue, 11203, Kings County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 718-756-2212
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.657818, Longitude: -73.931393

komentarze 5

  • fasta kolan

    fasta kolan


    My friend at Kings County Hosp. reffered me to Coys for a check engine light. I brought my car to 2 places before but they couldn't fine the issue. Coy found the issue in one day. My check engine light has not came back on now for since a month. I came back for my inspections and pass with no check engine light anxiety. This will be my got to mechanic from no on.

  • en

    Tiffany kite


    I USUALLY DONT WRITE REVIEWS!! THIS PLACE IS THE WORST!! STAY AWAY!!! If you want you vehicle back In a timely manner and working do not take it here, I brought my car here with parts for a 10 hour job it has been 4 working days and they didn't even get half way through the job, the owner is a liar, there is only one barely skilled tech

  • en

    Jasmine Kaya


    These guys are horrible business. They do not have anything in order. The guys act as if they know what they are doing but are incompetent to complete the job. They stay with your car indefinitely and overcharge you. Stay away from this company. They are not running a legit space. Do more research and find a more respectable shop.

  • en

    Jose Dessources


    Best Auto Repair Shop in BROOKLYN. Hands down. To find a good place to repair your ride is like finding a reliable barber(feel me). But not only will they take care of your car...they take care of your wallet too. Last week, I went there expecting to break the bank. Tell me why they had me spending only 40 And, my car has been floating ever since. So glad I found this place. My old mechanic was a straight up crook. Never again. Coys Auto Repair gets a FIVE STAR SPECIAL.

  • Kirolos Gergis

    Kirolos Gergis


    Very nice, kind, honest guy. I'm so happy i got my car fixed in this place. Other places offered me 350$ and 260$ to fix my car. He did the job with only 200$, he did great job in very short time.

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