Cowboys Duct Cleaning A/C in Fort Worth

Vereinigte StaatenCowboys Duct Cleaning A/C



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8051, Jolie Drive, 76137, Fort Worth, Tarrant County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakte telefon: +1 972-332-5455
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 32.88735, Longitude: -97.29216

kommentare 5

  • en

    Melissa Trujillo


    I’m do not recommend this company. I had them come out last year and provide services. I have a 7 year warranty for additional yearly services. Which is on my receipt. The won’t return my calls or emails. I feel they are scam. Please use caution when using this company.

  • en

    Denise Schoonver


    Beware - I purchased a Groupon for $39 from Cowboys Duct Cleaning. I definitely got what I paid for. The website is deceiving and there is limited information as to exactly what they will do for the price you pay. They basically cleaned ONE vent. Put a machine up to one vent and "vacuumed" for 30 minutes. During this time he went to my return air vent (only 1 of 2) and furnace (in attic) to "inspect" them. He then took cover off two vents in different room and inspected as well, taking video of the dust inside the ducts with his iPhone. All the inspecting took about 15 minutes. Presented me with an estimate with the business name "Texas Duct Pros" in the amount of $858. I am sure what they did helped the dust, but I hired another company to come out and do the job correctly for $150.

  • Brian Pruett

    Brian Pruett


    BEWARE!! Purchased dryer duct cleaning services. After initial cleaning the dryer still would not dry and Cowboys came out to clean it again. After second cleaning the dryer still would not dry and Cowboys said our dryer must be broken, that they did everything they could do, and that we would need to purchase a new dryer. Bought a new dryer and ran a vent test only to find that it was still clogged. Cowboys refuses to honor their warranty on service again stating that they did everything they could do. Called a different duct cleaner and they took pictures of over 4 gallons of standing water in the duct, ducting crushed, and informed us that the exterior vent wasn't up to code. Cowboys didn't do their job right the first time and it has now cost my family hundreds of dollars to get the job done properly. Don't expect any decent level of service from Cowboys duct cleaning.

  • Nissan Lamusicano

    Nissan Lamusicano


    Very recommended! I'll definitely tell my friends and family to get our done. Big difference.

  • Ayden Flores

    Ayden Flores


    It was such a rip off,and they lied about the services performed. I am so shocked and disappointed that someone could come in and charge that much money and promise that I would receive a call,to schedule the maintenance that is supposed to be performed twice a year.............. I have not heard back from them and have called several times and left several messages... We are hard working people who trusted this company to do the right thing,and all they did was take several,several- hundreds of dollars. I would never recommend this company to anyone. He took 2 forms of payment check and credit card... Beware of this fraudulent company

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