Courtyard by Marriott Seattle Downtown/Lake Union w Seattle

Stany ZjednoczoneCourtyard by Marriott Seattle Downtown/Lake Union



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Piątekotwarte 24 godziny
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Niedzielaotwarte 24 godziny
925, Westlake Avenue North, 98109, Seattle, King County, US USA
kontakt telefon: +1 206-213-0100
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 47.627667, Longitude: -122.340454

komentarze 5

  • Andy Cheung

    Andy Cheung


    Service was great! Breakfast was included which was very delicious. We enjoyed the breakfast bowl and avocado toast! Location is a little further from central downtown but great view of the nearby bay. Fitness room was also large and had several treadmills.

  • en

    Jordan Hunter


    Under renovation currently but already looking amazing! Very attentive front desk staff, especially Justin Ellis. Housekeeping staff doing an excellent job, cleanest hotel bathroom I have seen in quite some time. Parking is an additional cost, but hey, it's Seattle. Lots of great options for dinner and drinks within walking distance. Only negative thing I could say is that there was a bus parked on the street directly below our room that left the engine running all night (but that is no fault of the hotel). Love Marriott, this hotel definitely lives up to the brand.

  • Chase Sterling

    Chase Sterling


    Wonderful service by the staff. Simple room, but with an amazing room and very, very quiet. I didn't hear other guests or traffic from outside. Typical Courtyard amenities with the Bistro, however the space was much larger to accommodate more guests. Well appointed gym and pool. Would absolutely stay here again.

  • Rob Bevilacqua

    Rob Bevilacqua


    The hotel was going over renovations during our stay, which is a good thing because it'll definitely benefit from a face lift. The location of the hotel couldn't be a better place. The lake is literally right out front of the hotel and provides easy access to all of Seattle. Although the lobby and some of the outside is being updated, the rooms do show their age some. We stayed in a double Queen and the room was very large. For whatever reason, the beds only came with three pillows each. The bathroom shower didn't have any ventilation, so it made everything very humid with some possible black mold in the corners. The bed itself was comfy. They don't provide breakfast, but with the amount of options available in the area you'll want to explore. Overall, not a bad place to stay and would stay again.

  • David Henderson

    David Henderson


    My room was comfortable and clean, and the bathroom was well-maintained. I also had a nice view of Lake Union. The hotel is close to many attractions such as the Space Needle and several museums, so I was able to walk there and back with no problems. I only interacted with the staff a few times during my week-long stay; each time, they were helpful and courteous.

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