Courtyard by Marriott Oklahoma City Downtown i Oklahoma City

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Forenede StaterCourtyard by Marriott Oklahoma City Downtown



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2, West Reno Avenue, 73102, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 405-232-2290
internet side:
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Latitude: 35.463925, Longitude: -97.513617

kommentar 5

  • Matt Harrison

    Matt Harrison


    Rooms are nice. Very quiet hotel and walking distance to Bricktown. Hotel staff are very friendly and helpful. Overall great place to stay, I would definitely recommend it to anyone staying in the area.

  • en

    Muri Cole


    This is a great place to stay, right in the heart of Bricktown. Great restaurants and bars within walking distance. It's also close to all of the many other attractions of Bricktown. The hotel also has a wonderful breakfast buffet- from fresh fruit and omelettes to a selection of waffles and assorted toppings. The staff is very friendly and helpful, I look forward to staying here again soon!

  • Rachel Campbell

    Rachel Campbell


    Good hotel with close location to Bricktown. The construction in the area was so disappointing though. It made it hard to get to the hotel in the first place and walking anywhere was a challenge with some of the streets and sidewalks being partially blocked. Other than that, it was an excellent experience.

  • Jim Bondurant

    Jim Bondurant


    Don't waste your money on this overrated place It's a overrated and need of a deep cleaning place. We stayed there and ask a month before for a upper floor room with a view and we got a 3rd floor with a view of the air unit. I went back down and ask if they would move us and they said if I waited until everyone checked in then they might be able to move me. The room was in need of some deep cleaning and the hotel needs a update. So for the price they charge I would check out the other hotels for a better price and cleaner .

  • Jaedeeim



    Since this was not a dinner I completed I cannot vouch for anything except the facade of the building. This feature and this feature only lends value to my 4 stars it is a beautiful if not a bit dated exterior with a normal amount of wear and tear and the typical landscaping that flanks either side of the entryway. The concierge and valet were both extremely friendly and helpful with smiles that came across as genuine while appearing to legitimately take interest in my situation. Sadly, that is where my review must end. If the Marriott wanted to have me continue this review I would be happy to, but alas, I cannot at this time. I bid the adieu.

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