Courtyard by Marriott Fort Worth Downtown/Blackstone i Fort Worth

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Forenede StaterCourtyard by Marriott Fort Worth Downtown/Blackstone



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601, Main Street, 76102, Fort Worth, Tarrant County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 817-885-8700
internet side:
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Latitude: 32.753706, Longitude: -97.330464

kommentar 5

  • en

    Jocelyn Iske


    The Courtyard Marriot was nice, comfortable and in a great location. It was very easy to get to Sundance Square as well as the Trinity River for kayaking and paddleboarding. The staff at the Courtyard were friendly and helpful. The hotel is also is in the oldest building in Fort Worth so that was fun!

  • en

    Abel Ramos


    Great location and the staff was great. Rooms were well kept but a little on the smaller side.

  • leila ansari

    leila ansari


    sigh:: where shall I begin... The location is perfect, just valet and wa-lah!! -you're in the heart of downtown funky town. The lobby is cute, modernly updated, and smells phenomenal, and the front desk staff is smiley, courteous and helpful. It's just the $$$ room that makes no sense. The king room is small, and completely outdated. Everything..from the carpet, bed/bedding, and bathroom. It just had that 'old hotel' smell. -& Please tell me, who uses bar soap anymore?? This isn't 1975. And why is it so dang tiny. Lol -& Why is the toilet seat yellow? -& Why is the tub stained and icky? -& Why do the towels feel rough and smell like a cross between NO and pancake syrup? It's unfortunate because between the $28 valet and the overpriced items in the 'market,' the Marriott could spring for some updating in their guest rooms. I mean come on, it's 2000 freaking 18 people.

  • Robert Wesley

    Robert Wesley


    Overall, the service and amenities are what I would have expected. The staff was courteous. There’s no cafe as there usually is in a Courtyard, so you’re out of luck if you check-in sort of late at night, because downtown Fort Worth shuts down early for food. However, the cafe that shares the building was pretty great.

  • en

    Jessica Burns


    If I could give it a 0 star I would have. These rooms were horribly noisy. the elevator could be herd from many rooms. I know because I changed rooms multiple times. The bathrooms were outdated. The shower curtains haven't been changed in good knows when. Go stay at the Renaissance down the street. More worth the money

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