Country Inn & Suites by Radisson, Jacksonville West, FL i Jacksonville

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Forenede StaterCountry Inn & Suites by Radisson, Jacksonville West, FL



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7035, Commonwealth Avenue, 32220, Jacksonville, Duval County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 904-786-0388
internet side:
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Latitude: 30.3368075, Longitude: -81.7622723

kommentar 5

  • Hot Mahogany Mom

    Hot Mahogany Mom


    Such a beautiful place! Staff was super friendly and accommodating to our every need. Breakfast was extraordinary compared to other hotels. Our family really enjoyed ourselves and will definitely be staying here again soon!

  • en

    Joyce Fudge


    Make sure u check your sofa bed ours was like a wave.the manger didn't want to compensate the room like it would have broke her bank. The air wasn't cold for temp to be 67 degrees we were hot ill give them credit the room was clean.then we got stuck in elevator for 10 min. It was right at check out time

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    Debbie Little


    Last minute reservations. Rooms are very clean & large. Hotel is very quiet. Breakfast was very goid. A lot to choose from. Very friendly staff. Beds are very comfortable. Cookies are a nice touch.

  • Lorraine Gavin

    Lorraine Gavin


    This was a very nice place to stay. The rooms were clean and the staff was very pleasant and accommodating. The breakfast had a wide selection to choose from hot or cold. Very relaxing atmosphere.

  • chermcnamara



    We stayed at this hotel last year and loved it so we came back this year-2018. When we pulled up to the door in 2017 and 2018 the same mini van with a Georgia license plate was parked in front of the door. It makes it very difficult to pull up and unload your luggage. I believe that it is an employee that is parking there for the whole day. The parking lot has many other spots for cars to park. I an going to call the main office and complain about this. The car stays there every day that we are here. Two years in a row. That’s very strange. This person/ employee needs to park somewhere else in the property. It is very annoying.

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