Costco Tire Center en Commack

Estados UnidosCostco Tire Center



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10, Garet Place, 11725, Commack, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 631-462-1608
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.8070281, Longitude: -73.2857156

comentarios 5

  • en

    Naftalie Wischenka


  • Bruce Pulley

    Bruce Pulley


    Always good service

  • en

    Catherine Burke


  • en

    Ellen vargas


    The service men helpful and polite ,knowable .Had to order my tires came in next day they gave good advice.

  • Jorge Rivera

    Jorge Rivera


    Poor! I went in to change my tires ordered from their website. They called me to tell me they couldn't get my glove compartment open. I come to find out they BROKE my handle, and then proceeded to tell me it was like that when I arrived. I got the manager and we filed an incident report. Costco then called me back a few days later only to tell me they will not pay for something they did not do. "It was their words against mine." "There is no evidence." OF COURSE they won't admit they broke it. They also broke my emblems on my rims (which only come off with intentional force, in which case, you do not have to use force in that area to get the tires off). Oh, and they left a tool on top of my car instead of my keys. You cannot call yourself a professional. You should be calling yourself unemployed.

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