Cosmetic Surgery Associates w Bethesda

Stany ZjednoczoneCosmetic Surgery Associates



🕗 godziny otwarcia

6430, Rockledge Drive, 20817, Bethesda, Montgomery County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 240-800-1455
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 39.025524, Longitude: -77.133446

komentarze 5

  • en

    Vivian Truong


  • en

    Mallory Krieger


  • en

    Teressa Allen


    I had a TT, procedure with Dr Magee as my Dr. At the age of 60, I decided to stop being uncomfortable , in pain and buying clothing 3 sizes too big to hide my ongoing problem and enhance my quality of life at the same time. I am so very satisfied at this point and I’m only 5 weeks out, I am looking great, never thought I could say that again. Dr Magee and his team are very professional and treat you like their only patient. His bed side manner is outstanding as he gave his expert advice, suggestions and really wanted to give you great service and the best outcome, with a smile . He explained everything and put me at ease . I don’t want to leave out his team as they were awesome. Answered all your questions, relaxed atmosphere, and not pushy. The specialist and front desk knowledgeable and informative even before I decided to go with them! I live In the metro DC area. There are many plastic surgeons to choose from, many closer to home. This office and its professional staff rated high on the list and was obviously my choice. My results are awesome and I’m glad to have chosen Dr. Magee and his team. If I ever decide to choose to have another procedure, this is where I’m going hands down. Thank you Dr Magee,

  • en

    Pan Cakes


    Love my results. Everyone in the office is very kind and professional.

  • en

    Nate Williams


    Board certified surgeons who deliver excellent results. Treat you like they would their family.

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