Cork & Fork LLC i Washington

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterCork & Fork LLC



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1522, 14th Street Northwest, 20005, Washington, US USA
kontakter telefon: +1 202-588-5766
internet side:
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Latitude: 38.9105321, Longitude: -77.032123

kommentar 5

  • jeffery clark

    jeffery clark


    Friendly service and an eclectic selection of wine from around the world, with mostly wine from small production wineries. Share with Ed your taste preferences, and he will fine the wine for you.

  • Khai S.

    Khai S.


    Rude, dismissive, and discriminatory staff. They ignored and talked over us, while happily serving their white customers. If equal treatment matters to you, spend your money elsewhere.

  • Houman Akhavan

    Houman Akhavan


    Great place to look for wines. Check out the other locations as well.

  • Tracey Moon

    Tracey Moon


    I wanted a Rose but find it difficult to get one I like. But not anymore thanks to Cork & Fork!! I got the one below and it's perfect. Also was turned into a Rose champagne. Can't wait for the right occasion to have it!

  • en

    Janiece W


    The wine selection is decent. We took a wine tasting class which was really intimate and interesting. However, the name "Cork & Fork" implies food. I was definitely disappointed when we showed up for dinner before the class started and walked into just a wine shop.

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