CorePower Yoga i Washington

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterCorePower Yoga



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1150, Connecticut Avenue Northwest, 20036, Washington, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 202-838-1244
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Latitude: 38.9053758, Longitude: -77.0412827

kommentar 5

  • en

    Jackie Moruzzi


    My instructor was so friendly and encouraging--her 8am sculpt was packed and it was a great workout

  • Aanchal Anand

    Aanchal Anand


    Awesome place! Love the Thursday Sculpt classes with Joy!

  • Cynthia S.

    Cynthia S.


    I really enjoy not only the atmosphere. I have done 3 classes so far and each has been challenging in the perfect amount. I never feel rushed or that I have to be perfect to participate.

  • Leandra Olson

    Leandra Olson


    Positive environment. Clean space and studio. Creative vinyasa styles.

  • Rachael Dollar

    Rachael Dollar


    I went for a trial class and it wasn't my cup of tea. First of all it was packed. Second of all, my neighbor was a little on the stenchy side. Thirdly, they didn't have any locks available for their lockers so you could get your stuff stolen (and h/t a friend, it happened to her once before). Fourthly, you have to pay $2 for a towel. Fifthly, there is 1 bathroom. Sixthly, I wasn't enjoying the music yoga teacher played. I can't jive in shavasana listening to bluegrass music.

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