Cooper University Medical Center Pth w Camden

Stany ZjednoczoneCooper University Medical Center Pth


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1, Cooper Plaza, 08103, Camden, Camden County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1
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Latitude: 39.9421149, Longitude: -75.1169384

komentarze 5

  • Michael Caralluzzo

    Michael Caralluzzo


    They streamlined the emergency room I was in and out in about an hour with seeing 2 doctors and getting an x-ray wish all hospitals were like Cooper great job!!!!?

  • Robert L Ware Jr

    Robert L Ware Jr


    Hello viewers, I recently had surgery at 1 Cooper Plaza in Camden with, Doctor Spitz. My experience at the University Hospital was Awesome. I was in room, 638 on (8-21-20 to 8-22-20). The staff and Nurses that was assigned to me was awesome, Noham, Nicole, and Lisa. I hope I didn't miss anyone. I even had a pleasant conversation with the house keeper. Doctor Spitz, is very Knowledgeable and experience. I sense this with our 1st visit in his office, And he did not disappoint. Thanks to all staff members, from the Patient Transport, Security guards, Housekeepers, Cafeteria, Nurses And Doctors. That made my visit a pleasant experience ☺.

  • Bruce Levinthal

    Bruce Levinthal


    It was a very sad week my father fell and broke his hip at 95 complications arose and it was downhill for about five days until he passed the nurses on the floor we're very nice helpful couldn't do enough for the family I'm sorry I don't remember the floor but we were on the cancer floor there was six of us up there the whole time even when my 10 15 year old grandchildren came up to see their great grandpa the nurse has tried to make them comfortable again all's I can say as the staff on that floor where are incredible in our time of grief the only thing that could have been better in the waiting room there were more comfortable places to fall asleep need a few more couches

  • mike klebacher

    mike klebacher


    Every service I have had at Cooper has been first rate!

  • Kirsti Dare

    Kirsti Dare


    Everyone was really great that dealt with me. The Doctor, PA, Nurse, Tech, Tech Assistant etc. They all get five stars. However, there is a trend in the medical industry, all around, this desensitization to the physical suffering of others. As far as getting a stat test I needed, I was in triage within half an hour, in a bed (albeit in a hall bed) in another hour, and was there for a total time of about 7 hours. They did tell me it would be a wait for an MRI, and I was prepared for that. What I was not prepared for was how painful this MRI would be given only a tylenol and a lidocaine patch (that the techs made me take off before the MRI) for a rapid worsening of a spinal issue I was not aware of prior. My pain was better controlled at home with massive doses of advil, aleve and likely the very same lidocaine patch I picked up at the drug store over the counter. I really felt as if they wanted me to physically suffer. As if they wanted me to regret coming in. I couldn't even walk well. They told me it was good I came and yet, while laying down in sheer agony, found comfort only in writing a poem about embracing hell. Even, went into a state of very mild shock, whereby my mind successfully detached itself from the body to cope with the pain. Let's just leave it at that. Three stars for the lack of concern for true human physical suffering. Otherwise I would have given them five stars. They operated very efficiently with what they had, and considering their level one trauma designation and inner city location, their operations were as good as could be expected, and those that dealt with me were all very nice elsewise. If you are dying, they will do their best to save you. But, when you wake up, I definitely would plan on hurting like hell.

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