Confi-Dental: Huynh Eric N DDS w Fort Worth

Stany ZjednoczoneConfi-Dental: Huynh Eric N DDS


brak informacji

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1401, West Berry Street, 76110, Fort Worth, Tarrant County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 817-921-9616
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 32.7056917, Longitude: -97.341007

komentarze 4

  • Laura B

    Laura B


    I've been a client since 2010 and I truly enjoy Dr. Huynh and his staff. They always make me feel at ease and welcomed every single visit. Dr. Huynh has a lovely personality and is VERY QUICK with his work. The receptionist and techs are all sweet and answer most questions regarding your appointment. The staff is bilingual (english and spanish) and the clientele is very diverse from what I have seen.

  • en

    Shannon Mathis


    Dr. Eric Huynh has been my dentist for 10 years now. His staff is super sweet and my visits are always filled with laughs and pure enjoyment. Excellent care and excellent service!!

  • en

    Silas Pecksniff


    I had my first appointment with Dr. Eric Huyhn last Thursday and I am writing to report that I was not only pleasantly surprised by the quality of service that I received, but that I actually enjoyed the experience, which is something that one does not ordinarily expect to hear said of a visit to the dentist. After several years of probably below-average service with another dentist, I feel that I am now a patient of a professional qualified and willing to treat me at any necessary level of expertise. I was fortunate this morning in that all I needed was a semi-annual examination and cleaning, but I must say that I doubt that I have ever had a more thorough and careful cleaning, all carried out with great gentleness by the dentist himself. His young clinician was also very good at performing her tasks, which, for me, largely consisted of having x-rays taken. Dr. Huyhn immediately put me at my ease and made me feel a welcome addition to his roster of patients. I would glowingly recommend his services to anyone who is looking for a highly trained professional with more than the common share of chair-side manner. James Richardson; Ft. Worth, TX

  • en

    Пользователь Google


    I went to Dr. Huynh today because of his proximity to TCU and because he takes CIGNA Dental. I loved him and his hygenist! I did have to wait 20 minutes to see him, but the benefits far outweighed any inconvenince. He (and the hygenist) was extremely friendly, he did not lecure me about how infrequently I floss, he explained everything before he did it, and he cleaned my teeth (and I can't remember the last time the dentist, not the hygenist did that) using an industrial water pick which means that it was twice as fast as scraping, and a whole lot less painful! Two added perks: he gave me lip balm before the procedure to prevent my lips from chapping and gave me sunglasses so the bright light in my face wouldn't be so bothersome. I loved it. I'd reccommend him to anyone!

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