Condemi Motor Company w Lodi

Stany ZjednoczoneCondemi Motor Company



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137, U.S. 46, 07644, Lodi, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 973-928-2222
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.877926, Longitude: -74.074802

komentarze 5

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    Don’t do it, somehow they’re Better Business Bureau certified and recognized by “Kelly Blue Book”. A car I bought from them died on me ⚠️10 days after I bought it long after I bought it⚠️ the engine had a problem that they should’ve fixed especially if you’re going to advertise it online as “good” condition. They had the nerve to tell me when I confronted them that there wasn’t anything wrong with it. As a matter of fact it had the dealer plates on it still, only reason I didn’t take them to court was because of other things in my life. This is a car buyers nightmare what I went through with these people stay away. They’re only here to steal your money. If you don’t believe me check the photos of the oil spill

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    Bob Hargrove


    Purchased a vehicle about 8 years ago; paid a fair price and had zero problems with the car. In 2017, I asked Danny to find me a specific vehicle - make/model/mileage. He did so in a few weeks. I traded the vehicle in that I had purchased 8 years ago and bought the newer vehicle. I paid a fair price, the car is perfect. I could not be more satisfied with the professional service they provided and strongly recommend anyone looking for a used car to take a look at Condemi Motors.

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    Angelia Garner


    Dan was extremely helpful, and made my car buying experience easy. He kept me informed, and there were no hidden fees. If you're looking to buy a vehicle without stress, contact Dan.

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    Lenny Altamura


    I have dealt with Condemi Motors close to 20 years and have always been 100% satisfied in the purchase, as well as in the maintenance of the vehicles I buy there. I buy at Condemi not only because his used cars look like bran new, they function like a charm and I save a lot of money. Condemi is an old fashion guy whose word is his bond. You can trust him eyes closed, which is a lot to say in today's world. Leonard J A

  • Beau Thomas

    Beau Thomas


    Bought mazda cx9 about 6 months ago. I wiah i hadn't. So many problems with car and i over paid

najbliższy Naprawa samochodów

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