Complete Car Care w Irvington

Stany ZjednoczoneComplete Car Care



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1152, Stuyvesant Avenue, 07111, Irvington, Essex County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 973-399-4644
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.7137589, Longitude: -74.2540405

komentarze 5

  • Eugene Otto

    Eugene Otto


    My name is Otto from Irvington NJ. twenty years auto technician for General Motors. ASE certified in all eight, became an Irvington police officer for twelve years. Got fired for speaking up against police brutality and police coverups . I then decided to own my own transportation business for the pass four years. All my wheel alignment were done by BRUCE'S alignment out of Irvington. I could not find a place to do a more accurate alignment than BRUCE'S until I visited Complete Car Care who bought BRUCE'S business. The alignment machine is now a much more up to date equipment. I will advise anyone looking for a accurate before and after reading and work on their vehicles alignment to go see Complete Car Care at 1152 Stuyvesant Ave. Irvington, NJ 07111. Keep up the good work guys.

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    James Bridgers


    I go to complete car care because I have total confidence that the service provided is limited to the service my vehicle needs and not service with a profit motive. I therefore have no problem traveling from Piscataway to Irvington to get the excellent timely and professional car service provided by Complete Car Care of Irvington.

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    Lamar Penn


    Prompt, efficient and very reasonable cost. Highly recommended!

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    Kevin Daniels


    If you're like me and having automotive issues taking a vehicle in for repairs is more often than not a dreaded spin on the wheel of Good, Bad, or Totally dishonest mechanics. You never no who's hands you'll land in. Well believe it or not there really is a place were honesty and customer satisfaction is the golden rule. Let me be clear!!! Perfectly!!! I had no affiliations with Complete Car Care prior to having my vehicles repaired there. Just by circumstance did I find them. Being local to my area I came across these fantastic gentlemen and aren't i the lucky one. Lloyd and Pratt's dedication to there craft and to customer satisfaction is seldom even rarely heard of these days. I can't say enough about them. If you want it done right pay them a visit like me you'll be happy you did.

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    QUICK, QUALITY, FRIENDLY service. Lloyd was helpful, courteous and professional. I'll be returning, thank you for the pleasant experience!

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