Complete Automotive w Seattle

Stany ZjednoczoneComplete Automotive



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2331, 7th Avenue, 98121, Seattle, King County, US Estados Unidos
kontakt telefon: +1 206-322-8945
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 47.6177684, Longitude: -122.3426526

komentarze 5

  • en

    James Mitchell


  • Sydney Riffle

    Sydney Riffle


    Brought my car here after it broke down in Seattle. Shop claimed it was my Transfer case (Toyota FJ) and would cost $4,700 to repair it. I declined to have them fix it and paid around $170 for the diagnostic and had it towed away. The shop left my passenger window down when it was towed causing the interior to get soaked from rain. I am now fighting a mold problem... After bringing the vehicle to my friends, we purchased a new transfer case for $270+shipping. When putting in the new transfer case we learned that the transfer case was not even the problem, but it was the rear differential (pinion gear). Shop would have known this if they even spun the back wheels... These guys don't seem to know what they are doing and are careless enough to even leave windows open in the rain. I would not recommend taking any vehicle here.

  • en

    Trisha Gardner


    I have been going to Complete Automotive for the past 20 plus years and Brian has never steered me wrong. Brian is the most honest and talented person you will ever find when it comes to high end cars or truly any car. I have bought several cars from Brian from Mercedes to Range Rovers to now an Infiniti, that I bought sight unseen and because Brian knew I would love it and I do. I still have the Mercedes and I need to point something out that everyone should note. I took my Mercedes to Park Place in Bellevue, the Eastside's elite car service and sales grand salon. Yes, I got a free bottle of water but, $2,000 dollars later my car left with no turn signals and it didn't start 50% of the time. I had it towed to Brian and he not only found and solved the issue but, I would have saved 2K had I gone to him first. Brian knows his cars, treats everyone as equals and he is to be trusted. Don't be fooled by Park Place, buy your own bottle of water and head to Complete Automotive or Google them. If you are out of area do not hesitate to buy sight unseen. I bought the Infiniti that way and it was exactly as Brian promised 'sheer perfection' and the right car for me. One side note Brian is well known in the Pacific Northwest and his cars go quickly. I traded in a Jeep of mine years ago and then decided 8 hours later that I should buy the car back and just keep it for the memories. Brian had sold the car within hours of me turning it over to him. Do not hesitate, worry, question your decision Brian is as honest as the day is long. He will NOT sell you on a car that is not perfect, because he only sells perfect cars! Enjoy whatever car you purchase or repair or detail and know you are in the best of hands.............Brian is the best of the best!

  • en

    chris Vincent


    This shop took good care of my car, I have a 1998 740I. I drove my car to Las Vegas no problem at all. If I end up back in Seattle, I'm coming back to this place.

  • Cece Christensen

    Cece Christensen


    I love this repair shop! They are fair, honest and friendly. I've used them a few times and will always take my vehicle back to them. They've corrected other mechanics faulty work and given me suggestions on how I could fix small things at home. I appreciate that they don't just try to take all my money and they have always been able to squeeze me in on short notice.

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