Columbia Family Dentist w Columbia

Stany ZjednoczoneColumbia Family Dentist



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9650, Santiago Road, 21045, Columbia, Howard County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 410-730-6020
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Latitude: 39.2084522, Longitude: -76.8472679

komentarze 5

  • Dan Bobowicz

    Dan Bobowicz


    Service was excellent and they were very efficient! I had to get 2crowns and they explained it very well giving me the information as to why it was required! They were able to get it done in a very short period of time!

  • Yetta Hoffman

    Yetta Hoffman


    My experience with Columbia Family Dentist has been excellent. I was seen as a first time patient for emergency pain. Since then, I have been going through a treatment plan, including dental implants to fix my dental issues. Dr. Goyal performed the extractions and as terrified as I was, I felt no pain at all during or after the procedure. Because of his skill and kind attitude I have very little anxiety with regards to the actual implants. I have also been seen by Dr. Anshu Goyer for other dental problems and she was very gentle and kind while treating them and very much relieved my pain. The Dental Technicians, Hygienists, and office staff were also very nice and efficient. I would highly recommend this practice to my family and friends.

  • David Cole

    David Cole


    When Dr. Alan Epstein owned Columbia Family Dentist, it used to be the best practice in the world. Dr. Epstein was a great dentist and also patient obsessed. Dr Goyal is a great dentist, however, he doesn't run the practice with the patients in mind. For example, I called a week ahead to change the appointment time of a 6-month check up. You know when you schedule those check ups 6 months in advance as a reminder? It's hard to tell what you'll be doing that particular day so far in advance. When I asked to change it, they said the next available time they could see me was 4 months later. Really? Is this how you treat a customer of 23 years? Yes, loyalty for 23 years! And it really annoyed me when I was able to book a new patient appointment on their web portal a day after my original appointment. The churn of hygienists is really high in this office which also concerns me. I personally think Dr. Goyal is more obsessed with making money than taking good care of his patients. I'm taking my dental needs to a patient obsessed dentist as I believe there are so many good people in the world who prefer put their customers interest over maximizing revenue.

  • Eve Sam

    Eve Sam


    Ehhh, I got my braces done here but tbh not sure I’m completely happy with the end result, but I guess I’m satisfied. I had an issue the braces created, an issue I asked my dentist about when putting my braces in and she stated I wouldn’t have a problem and yet I still had to spend money to have it fixed because she didn’t fix such issues. Came in once without a mask and was told to stand outside which I thought was extremely rude as a facility such as a dentist office should have masks on hand.. Don’t know if it had to do with who I am but I’ve came in and seen somebody else without a mask that didn’t look like me and they had no problem having her in the waiting area. Not saying this has to do with the practice as it has to do more with the people that work up front. My ortho was very friendly and I enjoyed her personality. Also they send an excessive amount of confirm your appointment texts, it’s annoying!

  • Cay James

    Cay James


    Office was clean and they did not allow public pressure to stop them from protecting all by insisting that patients mask up - and that’s extremely important. When I got there I was seen promptly and barely had to wait. The dental assistant was very professional and accommodating. The periodontist (Dr Sithe) was very knowledgeable and engaging and also answered all of my questions. Staff also appears to support each other and work together when something goes astray and help to find solutions for their patients and each other when one is needed…and yes, I witnessed ALL OF THIS while I was there. It was such a comfortable environment that aside from the location and the close quarters of the front desk to the patients, it is definitely one of the more exceptional offices in MD.

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