Colorado Plus Brew Pub and Taphouse w Wheat Ridge

Stany ZjednoczoneColorado Plus Brew Pub and Taphouse



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6995, West 38th Avenue, 80033, Wheat Ridge, Jefferson County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 720-353-4853
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 39.7696556, Longitude: -105.0742083

komentarze 5

  • Brooks Mitchell

    Brooks Mitchell


    It was a dreary Sunday evening and I hadn't left my apartment in many a fortnights. I wandered on over to Colorado Plus Brew Pub to help ease my existential conundrum, and was delighted. My server was prompt and friendly, with ample recommendations for food and drink. I went with the Watermelon Sour, which was distinctly not tart but very tasty. For food I did the pork belly Mac. Very good, just the right amount of hot sauce and a quality cheese sauce. In my opinion the sauce would benefit from being a bit thicker, but great non the less. My friend has the Reuben (as he often does at establishments), and said "it's up there" in terms of taste and quality. Server was still quite attentive during this time. 5/5

  • Lauren Johnson

    Lauren Johnson


    Always one of my favorites and where I choose to go anytime someone visits from out of state. Servers are always wonderful, and Eugene the owner is a stand up guy. Don't be fooled by the name, they also have great cocktails.

  • Bryan Sparks

    Bryan Sparks


    I came in last night for a sandwich and a couple beers. I had the Bison Rueben and fries. The sandwich was really good and came out fast. The girl working the bar, Shelby, was really nice. She was really busy, but was taking good care of everyone. I’ll have to come back and try more beers. I think something was up with their tap system; the two beers I had were flat. I was going to try a third, but they were out of a few beers. Not their fault, I know the supply chain is a mess.

  • Michelle Mills

    Michelle Mills


    Always a great experience at CO Plus! It’s a weekly must and when family and friends visit, they demand going. Our favorites are the fish and chips, green chili, and any burger on the menu. Thanks Eugene and staff for being awesome! Cheers!

  • Mark



    overall: huge, local only beer menu? and good food? big yes! atmosphere: we visited on a Wednesday, a bit quiet but everyone was super friendly. calmer section of 38th. the outdoor patio on the west side is great! food: i got the chicken shawarma, definitely happy with my choice. lots of flavor. my partner got the fish and chips, loved them. service: super fast, very friendly, no complaints. will be back! definitely recommend a visit! great food, beer, and service!

najbliższy Bar

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