Cold Stream Dog Park i Lexington

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Lexington, KY 40511, USA
kontakter telefon: +1
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Latitude: 38.0993457, Longitude: -84.4890083

kommentar 5

  • M S

    M S


    I was there the other day. There's some construction or something so they have a temporary park set up. They've been working on it some time and had to reschedule the opening more than once it looks like, so this is more of a review of the fact the real one has been closed, as well as the temp park up the street. Temp park is 2 parks, maybe both about .75 acre. Has a portapotti, surprisingly clean. A couple community toys. A shared double gate. Not shade or benches or tables, so pretty bare, basically just fenced fields.

  • Jacqui Christenson

    Jacqui Christenson


    Just walked into the dog park, pitbull came up and attacked my dog who was just minding his own business, the pitbull then tried to bite me too when I tried to save my dog. Very dangerous situation. There should be a rule against having aggressive animals there for everyone's safety. My sweet little dog is now injured and terrified.

  • Jodi Combs Fine Art Photography

    Jodi Combs Fine Art Photography


    Lots of space!

  • Linda Hurst

    Linda Hurst


    Love it there! Never too crowded and there is one section strictly for small dogs. Friendly people!

  • Aliana Cherpitel

    Aliana Cherpitel


    Awesome four legged kid park! Grand pastures to run in. Split for the larger and smaller variety. Pooch waterer. Benches. Hill. Trees. All the things your beloved friends could want in the safety of a sturdy fencing. I rarely attend dog parks as my kids roam our land and the wilderness with me. However, if your in need of socialization time with your furry bud then this is the place. Oh did I mention doodoo bags and cans are provided?!

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