Cold Stone Creamery w West Nyack

Stany ZjednoczoneCold Stone Creamery



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4394, Palisades Center Drive, 10994, West Nyack, Rockland County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 845-348-3238
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 41.0989012, Longitude: -73.9548379

komentarze 5

  • en

    Arielle Russo


    What a complete FAILURE. This place was so subpar and dirty that we lost our appetite while waiting on line. The employees were rude and didn't seem to care about servicing the line of people waiting. Completely unprofessional - very disappointed. We left before ordering, and we will never be back! Warning: NOT WORTH IT.

  • Danny Rowland

    Danny Rowland


    Always delicious! The line takes a while, but its worth it.

  • en

    Raul Santos


    This place is complete trash. The place is a complete dump. Nothing is clean, this place looks filthy. Bananas half used and left on the counters,knives are completely covered in filth. Spoons and napkins and sprinkles you name it. It’s everywhere. About 5 customers in front of me and My girlfriend and we had to wait 20 minutes for 1 SMALL MILKSHAKE.

  • en

    Joshua Cruz


    My experiences at this particular cold stone are more than just me buying ice cream. The workers are super friendly and really know what they're doing. Thank you Sam and Lisa for making it a great experience all around! You two really deserve a raise. See ya soon!

  • en

    Mikayla D


    The only good thing about this place was the ice cream. When we finally got helped, we ordered and then we were waiting for them to make it. Because the service was so slow, we had a lot of time to look at what was actually happening in the place. The floors, tables, the counters, the workers space to work, the workers, everything about this place was dirty. I was watching this one girl worker eating French fries and being on her phone while taking money from people. Then she went over with no gloves to scoop ice cream for the next person. The girl that was helping us got our ice cream together and then didn't ring us up. There was no set cashier so we stood there for 5 minutes trying to pay. Then another worker asked the people he was helping for their payment. I spoke up to ask if we could be helped. We did. While waiting, the French Fry girl grabbed herself some ice cream. Shouted at her customer the payment, swirling her ice cream around and engrossed in her phone. The guy was holding his $20 bill out for 10 seconds before she realized she was at work. Don't go here. Not worth your time or money. Unprofessional and disgusting establishment.

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