Cohen Lori D DDS i Lawrence

Forenede StaterCohen Lori D DDS



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285, Central Avenue, 11559, Lawrence, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 516-371-6270
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Latitude: 40.6162563, Longitude: -73.7311255

kommentar 5

  • Ellen Sackstein

    Ellen Sackstein


    Dr Cohen performed a difficult procedure---apicoectomy. The aim of this procedure is to avoid an implant. (My most excellent dentist informed me that if he had faced the same issue, he would have probably opted for an implant.) Dr Cohen was SO diligent. She worked and worked, clearing out more and more infected material around the root of the tooth (and she showed me the process in a mirror--I could see a lot of bone and yuck!) This was several years ago, at a time when Dr Cohen still accepted payment through a dental discount plan (she no longer does). The fact that Dr Cohen was no doubt paid less than she would have been through an ordinary referral had NO EFFECT on her professionalism. I now have a problem requiring an oral-surgeon consultation, and have made an appointment to see Dr Cohen. And did I mention, Dr Cohen and her staff are incredibly kind.

  • Rachel Storch

    Rachel Storch


    She took me last minute to remove my two wisdom teeth, her whole staff was so sweet and the procedure was painless and quick !! Very accommodating an all around great experience!

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    Moshe Ament


    Outstanding care and exceptional service! Dr. Cohen's sensitive and sweet nature made going to get my wisdom teeth removed a breeze. She was extremely patient, so friendly and delicate. I would highly recommend her for all your wisdom teeth extraction needs. 5 Star Service!

  • Rafe Greco

    Rafe Greco


    Great experience, from the first phone call to the extraction. Great staff, great surgeon.

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    Dr lori and her staff were excellent. I was very nervous about my wisdom tooth extraction procedure but the staff made me feel very comfortable the entire time. Thank you Dr. Cohen and staff for such a comfortable and pleasant experience. I highly recommend them!

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