Coffee Rx i New York

Forenede StaterCoffee Rx



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6903, 3rd Avenue, 11209, Kings County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1
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Latitude: 40.635512, Longitude: -74.0259372

kommentar 5

  • en

    Bernard Slusker


    Small, charming, place, for coffeee. If you are a fan of Nutella coffee, this is the place to go. You won't be disappointed. Yum.

  • Selah Dodd

    Selah Dodd


    Best coffee in the neighborhood! Also a good amount of seating, including outside, which is the best.

  • Eladio Garcia

    Eladio Garcia


    The vibe is calm and the coffee is good. However, the prices are a bit steep for what you get; I would have enjoyed it more if my Nutella & Banana Waffle was cooked thoroughly, wasn't cold and didn't look as sad as it does on the picture I posted. Besides the piece that I cut off, that's how I received my pricey snack :(

  • Nery Sal L

    Nery Sal L


    Good customer service, clean and quiet, good coffee and very good wifi signal. I really like this place

  • Audrey Lo

    Audrey Lo


    Decent coffee. Love the hot chocolate with hazelnut flavored whipped cream!

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