Coba Auto Sales w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneCoba Auto Sales


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9405, 86th Street, 11416, Queens County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 718-641-0675
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Latitude: 40.6858826, Longitude: -73.8553873

komentarze 5

  • en

    Parris Jonstone-Edwards


    Bought a Ford explorer from them, good price good look ,good customer service but let's wait till after the 30 days warranty& then we see how good the cars they sell there are...... But so far so good ..

  • en

    Vinny Alkamano


    You will receive nothing but a headache purchasing a car from here. Everything has over 100,000 miles and and accident on the history. I came here to look at a car a couple weeks ago and was about to buy it but I am glad I didn't. Very sketchy operation.

  • Amanda McKeon

    Amanda McKeon


    PLEASE READ UPDATE!!! UPDATE: This did start out as a good experience financing a car, unfortunately it has become nothing but a headache! I started financing a jeep from here in November, with in that month the car started showing problem (the speed odometer stopped working). I took it back and since the car was guarantied for 30 days he said he would fix it, he did. The next month in January the same problem happened again. I recorded all of this through picture on my phone and sent it to the owner (David). He was not happy about having to fix it again, and put me off for a bit untill finally fixing it. But he took it and "fixed" it again. Now in April the same problem has happened AGAIN! I've been trying to contact him since this issue came up almost a week ago now but have heard nothing back. It is obvious to me that his mechanic never really fixed the issue, and instead botched the job. I haven't even had this car for 7 months and it has been nothing but problems and no help at all from the owner who sold me the car, my suggestion is if you are looking for a good quality car GO SOMEWHERE ELSE!!! DON'T EVEN BOTHER COMING HERE!!! FIRST REVIEW : Good experience financing a car from them, scheduled appointment and was approved to finance in 15 mins. They were very welcoming, helpful, and worked with me. When car started acting up I made another appointment and car was seen, fixed and ready to take home the next day. Would recommend to friends and family, looking forward to getting another car from them in the future for spouse! Thanks David!!!

  • Jean Verian

    Jean Verian


    Great people, very lovely husband and wife team. Absolutely loved the guy who sold me my car. He is honest as can be seems new to the business so you have to explain some ideas to him but do listen to his suggestions. Cash is the way to go with him because the finance company he unfortunately uses are horrible people. He however is willing to work with you if you have close to his asking price and the car I got was amazing. It ran smooth and still runs great. I would definitely recommend and go back to him when ready to purchase again. Bought a 2004 Red Ford Explorer 3rd row seating, sunroof, power everything...he kept the car as if it were brand new felt like I hit the jackpot. Thanks Coba!!!

  • en

    Justin avery


    Great service went there and got a car the same day

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