Coastal Kitchen en Seattle

Estados UnidosCoastal Kitchen



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429, 15th Avenue East, 98112, Seattle, King County, US United States
contactos teléfono: +1 206-322-1145
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 47.622802, Longitude: -122.312953

comentarios 5

  • Dalin Williams

    Dalin Williams


    Fish + excellent cuisine = a fantastic joint! Having visited this restaurant recently, I would HIGHLY recommend that you try their pear Mac and cheese. Thank me later 😉

  • en

    Derek Welch


    My parents were visiting from TX. Brought them here for a tasty brunch. It was a busy Sunday brunch, but we were seated in 15 minutes. Didn't even have time to finish the delicious bloody Mary's we grabbed at the bar. There is an old wheelchair elevator that was in working condition and the restaurant was easy to maneuver. Keep in mind the elevator is behind a prep station, but staff was friendly and quick to wheel racking away and operate the elevator.

  • Matthew Robinson

    Matthew Robinson


    Absolutely fabulous. I thoroughly enjoyed my time here. Great atmosphere. Not a terrible wait. Overall, a very good experience for brunch. Plus the poutine breakfast was to die for!!

  • Hank Stephens

    Hank Stephens


    Quiet on a Friday mid-morning. I've been here on the weekends as well and it is crowded then. But midweek is very relaxed. The food is good. They are doing an "international rotation", meaning they switch their menu up slightly to reflect a different regional cuisine. That's nice of you don't want the same old bacon, eggs and pancakes. The variations aren't wild, so you are still getting reasonable food. Check it out.

  • Angela Valadez

    Angela Valadez


    Great place for a bite. Went there for a pre-dinner snack. Fish n chips was great great. The drink was well made. Service was good. Nice environment to hang out a little in the bar area and chat. Very casual vibe in the restaurant before the dinner rush.

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