Coach w Paramus

Stany ZjednoczoneCoach



🕗 godziny otwarcia

1, Garden State Plaza Boulevard, 07652, Paramus, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 201-587-1442
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.9187122, Longitude: -74.0753007

komentarze 5

  • R David Koby

    R David Koby


    Ultra luxury bags, wallets, and other clothing and accessories. Did I mention expensive? Hey, you want the quality and the name, then you pay for it.

  • Karen Huntzberry

    Karen Huntzberry


    Very attentive and kind staff members, a very pleasant experience. I was looking for a gift for my sister (she LOVES Coach!) and I was immediately greeted by one of the staff - she has black hair and wore glasses, wish I could remember her name - she offered assistance and pointed me in the right direction when I told her what I was looking for. While browsing, another young lady who works there walked by and asked if I needed any help, when I found the item I wanted I noticed a small mark on it and asked the second young lady – her name is Tiffany – if there might be any more of the item in the back. She instantly offered to look for it and found another one for me. I had been shopping for quite a while already, so I took a seat and when she found what I needed, she offered to bring the iPad over to me for purchase so that I could stay seated (I appreciated that). Both Tiffany and the first young lady I came in contact with also offered me a bottle of water while I shopped. All of this really made the experience very pleasant and worthwhile, which is always important, especially when shopping for a premium item such as the things this store sells. So, thank you!

  • en

    Te-Sheng Lin


    Love this store. Constantly update their deco and goods. Friendly staffs and great leather bags.

  • James Lee

    James Lee


    Fantastic looking store with some very helpful staff! Love coming here once in a while

  • Evan Anderson

    Evan Anderson


    Well run store with helpful associates. Also provide bottled water while you're shopping.

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