CMD - The Center for Musculoskeletal Disorders w Englewood

Stany ZjednoczoneCMD - The Center for Musculoskeletal Disorders



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177, North Dean Street, 07631, Englewood, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 201-510-3777
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.899304, Longitude: -73.9708591

komentarze 5

  • en

    Yvette Izquierdo


    I had my knee surgery on May 16th 2018 and came out of recovery walking! NO PAIN>>NO SWELLING>>NO DISCOMFORT of any kind!!! Wow.. what can I say that would appropriately show my gratitude? I am beyond pleased, satisfied, elated with the treatment I have received from the entire office. From my initial contact with Gabriel, to my telephone conversations with Marissa I found myself at ease and very comfortable with the staff. Meeting Dr. Simhaee for the initial appointment put me even more at ease and confident that I had made the correct choice in going to be treated at this office. Once I met with Dr. Lewin and Issac all my fears of surgery went out the window! There are truly no words that can express how very happy I am with the doctors and all of the staff here. If you have any doubt about having surgery and are as scared as I was PLEASE do yourself the favor and visit with them. They will explain everything to you and answer all you questions. This is a place I would recommend to EVERYONE! Thank you Gabriel, Marissa, Dr. Simhaee, Dr. Lewin and lssac for making my experience for surgery so great.

  • Luisa Recio

    Luisa Recio


    Doctor Simhaee did a spine surgery on me. It is called a percutaneous discectomy. I was in and out in 15 mins. No downtime. Simple and quick. No pain. After two years of being in pain I am now finally better. Wow

  • Charlie chalwa Lopez

    Charlie chalwa Lopez


    I haven't felt this good in 12 years. I can actually bend down and sleep without pain. I really appreciate doctor simhaee

  • Gizem Bacaz

    Gizem Bacaz


    I am so relieved that I found Dr.Grossman and the entire team. They have been beyond helpful and the surgery went very smooth. I feel 💯 percent better! I went from bedridden to being able to walk in 2 months with no discomfort!

  • en

    Shjuanda Fields


    Compared to the condition i was in i would endorse more than ninety percent relief. This doctor took on my difficult case as i was on heavy pain medication and had several surgeries. I was an addict. He didn't throw me out of the office. Instead he believed in me and in helping me through this difficult time. I believe in him completely. I can actually stand and walk straight again. Mind you i am finally off the narcotics medications. Doctor simhaee changed my life I will be forever grateful.

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