Club Quarters Hotel, World Trade Center i New York

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Forenede StaterClub Quarters Hotel, World Trade Center



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140, Washington Street, 10006, New York, New York County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 212-577-1133
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Latitude: 40.7098029, Longitude: -74.0138864

kommentar 5

  • Mary Aronson

    Mary Aronson


    Just got back from a weekend in NYC and I loved this hotel. It's design is well thought out, the views are lovely and the location great. Despite the fact it is in lower Manhattan, it is less than two blocks from the subway going to the west side of the city and about five blocks from those covering the east side. And it's restaurant is great, too. I would definitely stay there again.

  • Brandon Luong

    Brandon Luong


    The staff at Club Quarters Hotel, World Trade are very friendly and helpful during my stay. Checking in and out was very easy and fast. The only think I would say needs faster service is the car valet. Staff said it usually takes 15-20 minutes before the valet can get the car and that's normal. Maybe for Club Quarters but I've visited hotels in cities such as Chicago, LA and even in NYC and valet usually takes 5-10 minutes tops. Maybe hire more staff for valet?

  • Reto Keller

    Reto Keller


    HOTEL: Fantastic hotel. Very good price performance ratio. The breakfast area at the top of the building is just amazing! It is a very clean hotel and a safe area to be (we were there with our 4 year young daughter). FOOD: breakfast was very good and healthy. Fresh juices and cereals. The view from the top of the building was perfect (see my photos). LOCATION: very safe area and very central. We loved it.

  • Dana Woodward

    Dana Woodward


    The hotel itself is pretty nice. It's clean and very up to date on everything. You can check on a kiosk, get your room cards and check out without having to talk to anyone. You can take that as you wish, whether that's a plus or a negative it's up to you. When we first got to our hotel room, the first thing we notices was we were put into a room with 2 twins when we ordered a queen. So we called to the front desk and they asked us to step out of the room for a little bit to get it fixed. So we went up to the top floor for breakfast, which was a bit of a disappointment. For their basic breakfast of bagels, croissants, oatmeal and danishes was either $13 or $14. Juice was extra as was coffee, which was expected but for plan breakfast to cost that much? Not a fan. For bacon, eggs, sausage or anything else - $18. Oh, per person. So breakfast for my boyfriend and I was almost $50 not including the tip. So we finish breakfast and go back up to the room and it looks like they've given us a queen... They pushed the two twin beds together to make a queen. The ends of the bed were very stiff. The whole bed itself was - it felt like we were laying on box springs. So sleeping at night, we either had to fit onto one twin or keep space between us all night. Either way we were still sore in the morning. The room was very small. The first day we were in the hotel, our room hadn't been touched, which we didn't mind. The second day, the bed was made and the bathroom picked up. The day we were leaving, we were asleep until about 10 in the morning when the cleaning lady had come. My only issue with this is why come 2 hours before we're supposed to check out? Over all - not a fan of this place. I can deal with high prices in New York but if we're paying $200 a night why couldn't we get a different room at least that was actually a queen? Everything else we can deal with but with how small the rooms were for the amount of money we were paying is it too much to ask for to have a decent bed?

  • Michael Bailey

    Michael Bailey


    One of my favorite hotels in the area. Rooms are small but very functional. Prices are reasonable. They have free snacks in the lobby. Also, they have a good rewards program, 1 free night for every 2 stays. The hotel on the top floor is rarely crowded, which is unusual for NYC.

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