Club Quarters Hotel, Philadelphia i Philadelphia

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterClub Quarters Hotel, Philadelphia



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1628, Chestnut Street, 19103, Philadelphia, Philadelphia County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 215-282-5000
internet side:
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Latitude: 39.9513214, Longitude: -75.1683926

kommentar 5

  • Janell J.

    Janell J.


    Good spot right in City Center. Could use a refresh of the refreshments area more often than just in the mornings, but the front desk staff is nice and helpful. The housekeeping staff is professional and listens to requests readily. Good spot if you can swing it!

  • Mitchell Goldenberg

    Mitchell Goldenberg


    Exactly as advertised. Great for business travelers. Check in and out is absurdly easy with their kiosks. Room was clean and comfortable. Bigger than I expected too. Except for the bathroom which was tiny but usable. Location is great. Will be staying here again.

  • Carmen N Johnson

    Carmen N Johnson


    Clean rooms. Some have kitchenettes, which is great for folks who prefer to make light meals and snacks to make their stay even more comfortable. Great rate for the location. Lots of restaurants and shopping within walking distance.

  • Sha-Nia Humes

    Sha-Nia Humes


    My wife and I stayed there 2 years ago and we will be going back next month. Yes the rooms are small, but who cares when you are barely there. We were celebrating our 1st anniversary and had a great time!!! The location was freaking awesome...we walked everywhere and a drugstore was literally right next door. Its a prime location for exploring the city, the staff was awesome, rooms clean...just a great first experience.

  • Victoria Jackson

    Victoria Jackson


    Beautiful hotel with great views and charming service. It's in a great location downtown with plenty of things to do, and the desk always has helpful options on where to eat. I heard the dining room also serves food. They are also very accommodating with service/ emotional support animals, and one of the workers always was sure to play with my sister's service dog while we were there. They also have a laundry unit, which was nice for those who are staying for more than a week.

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