Club Metro USA w Rutherford

Stany ZjednoczoneClub Metro USA



🕗 godziny otwarcia

63, Meadow Road, 07070, Rutherford, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 201-438-4444
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.823177, Longitude: -74.099625

komentarze 5

  • en

    Harshil Joshi


    I absolutely love going to this gym, not only is it close from my home, but the staff ALWAYS greets me as soon as I walk into the door. But this gym feels like the future, it has a movie theater, so many great workout machines, etc. Plus I tried their protein drinks and it was amazing!! A huge A+ to you guys, keep up with the great work!

  • en

    Darren Gutierrez


    Rusty equipment there pully system is all beat up cant even fijnd right attachments no 35lb plate.. owner says boxing area of his gym is not a concern and leaves broken speed bag up for months

  • en

    Michael Ferrara


    Nice gym, good price...upgrading their equipment as of late. Happy with the direction it's heading! Would recommend!

  • Brittany Grant

    Brittany Grant


    I had two trainers as a member. The first was ineffective (a third of the session was running in place) and the second was a little too casual and spent a lot of time on their phone. Reason for 1 star: I moved to D.C. earlier this year and had a difficult time cancelling, but was finally able to in April. All of a sudden I start getting a membership charge again in September. Called and was told a note was made in the system. October, same thing. There is a three hour window 2 days a week when the person who can fix it is available via phone - won't reach out to you but you have to call them. I should've cancelled in person before I moved but it was a rush job and there is no excuse for a charge to show up 5 months after successfully cancelling. In response to the owner's note - It has not been resolved and I just got another charge - after receiving a confirmation last month assuring my cancellation would be backdated. My emails were sent to the gymsales at Bergen email address per the request of Christina - Subject Attn: Christina. Please let me know who I can speak to at another level because the current person handling this cannot seem to effectively cancel my account.

  • Glenn Gargiulo

    Glenn Gargiulo


    Been coming here for like 5 years. I have seen the ups and downs. The gym itself is small. Not nearly enough weight training equipment. The layout is pretty bad. Often times equipment is broken. The gym is pretty clean. And most of the staff now is friendly but there is one particular person there that is nasty but I just avoid them. The hours have improved since I joined but I go early early in the morning so whatever bro. My real problem is with the billing. I refuse to give them my credit card information because last time I did I started getting fraudulent charges and my credit card company mentioned that the billing company is notorious for it. Honestly I have thought about joining another gym but having this place literally down the block from my house makes it convenient. I guess for now it is adequate for my needs but honestly due to the one employee there and their poor attitude I had to give only 3 stars.

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