Clovis Crossing Dental Group and Orthodontics w Clovis

Stany ZjednoczoneClovis Crossing Dental Group and Orthodontics



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1095, Herndon Avenue, 93612, Clovis, Fresno County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 559-326-5272
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 36.839331, Longitude: -119.697441

komentarze 5

  • Elga Boccardo

    Elga Boccardo


    Front office staff, Krissy was warm & friendly. Hygienist, Janice was thorough, gentle & informative. We laughed & that's always special. Dr. was informative & gentle. Business manager J. R. explained everything in detail & in a very caring & not rushed manner. He showed me what insurance covered & my copayment. He wasn't pushy & even offered options. Everyone has a good sense of humor & that helped me relax. I love my Clovis Crossing Dental Group. Elga B.

  • mariza leon

    mariza leon


    Dr. Sood and Jaime both did a great job when I went in for some work on my fillings. They each spent time to make sure I was comfortable. When I went back to get a cleaning Janice made me feel like myself again! This staff is awesome and they never made me feel bad about not getting into the dentist sooner.

  • Mai See Vang

    Mai See Vang


    Wonderful and friendly service at Clovis Crossing Dental Group and Orthodontics with front staff and dental team. J.R. explained everything so well for me to better understand my service expectation for today and upcoming consult appointment. I value being treated with kindness and great customer service and J.R. and the dental team meets my expectations. Keep up the great work!

  • Krista Clark

    Krista Clark


    I’ve been coming here for 8 years and I’ve always had a good experience each appointment. Often appointment wait times are very minimal and they get me in and out quick! Jaime did a great job on my filling while assisting doctor ! JR also does a great job of getting everything organized and ready at the front desk and on the phone!

  • Anthony Seidel

    Anthony Seidel


    I am happy I choose Clovis Crossing Dental Group! Everyone was extremely kind and helpful. Dr. Sap is so nice and was gentle during my cleaning and took time to explain everything including how to address all of my concerns. Everyone from the dental assistant, Kasandra, to JR, benefit coordinator, who patiently explains my insurance coverage. Thank you all for the great experience. I will stop avoiding going to the dentist!

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