Clinica Mi Pueblo w Corona

Stany ZjednoczoneClinica Mi Pueblo



🕗 godziny otwarcia

602, West 6th Street, 92882, Corona, Riverside County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 951-256-2783
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 33.875878, Longitude: -117.572891

komentarze 5

  • Oscar Rizo

    Oscar Rizo


    No further comment than this one I just won’t come back to this clinic ever again no matter who was the person answer my phone call or who talked to me to at the clinic so I didn’t get service I needed that’s mean all clinic fail on service At the end the issue happening in here happens in almost every place that they get paid per hour thi is no the only business having the same problem all employees looking forward to just go home at the time the squedule made no quiero probar nada solo no regreso a esta clínica y San se acabó

  • Roxanne Martinez

    Roxanne Martinez


    I have recommended so many people to this clinic because i love it so much. All which have only thanked me for letting them know about Clinica mi pueblo. I know if myself or my family is sick, once i come tola clinica by the next day, I will be better. Thank you to Dr. Love and all the staff for what you do!

  • Leticia cornejo

    Leticia cornejo


    Affordable prices , visit and physical exam. Nice people . The Doctor take time to speak with you about your health's concerns.

  • Sara Morales

    Sara Morales


    I just went right now in pain wanted to get some test done so I can get answers the doctor was so rude had a attitude said you don’t look in pain if you really are go to an emergency room . They also made me pee in a cup and did not give me any results.

  • Jose Ruiz

    Jose Ruiz


    You call and no one picks up you get there and all of a sudden they don't see patients anymore. . Then edit the times and mention that here not till someone gets to the door. . If they don't want to work they should change their line of work I mean it's 4pm they close at 6pm and they can't see you with an empty lobby? They're something else

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