Clean Dreams Car Wash LLC w Rahway

Stany ZjednoczoneClean Dreams Car Wash LLC



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260, West Scott Avenue, 07065, Rahway, Union County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 732-382-9274
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.6154549, Longitude: -74.2727295

komentarze 5

  • en

    Jorge Ramirez


    Update 6/16/18: Been coming here for some time now. In fact its the only car wash I use, since my first visit over 3 years ago. Great folks, work is usually great. However, as I state in my initial review when busy and rushing the quality goes down. I'm not bashing them just hope they read this and learn from it. Today, my experience was rather the same as usual. I havent washed my car in months due to my work schedule. So it was filthy. I didn't expect a detail cleaning for full service; but, I wasn't too happy with the big obvious dirt spots in the interior and exterior of the vehicle (see pics). It also looks like they have a rather new crew of young kids; who looked rather lethargic doing their job. These were reasons I left my much closer hand wash to travel to them. Hope they improve on that.

  • Sapana Pathak

    Sapana Pathak


    Loved the service. Inexpensive and great work. But the waiting lines can be very long although they move very quickly but still it’s not fun to wait on the road. Owner was very polite and gentleman. Will sure come back. And definitely recommend this place.

  • en

    Damien Sanchez


    These guys are GREAT. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND TO EVERYONE!!!! I’ve been going to them for about 2 years now and they NEVER disappoint. You can tell they love cars, and it’s their passion. Only complaint is that sometimes it get too packed; but hey, business is BOOMING! I will continue to go here as long as I can

  • en

    Yanky D


    Great service, friendly staff. Price is not as advertised (car full service advertised as $14 and they charged me $17) but was job well done.

  • en

    Wilson Diez


    very friendly people but my 2018 accord left with visible scratches on the hood and more surface scratches all over the body. I thought my experiences elsewhere where bad but damn man. I honestly should have checked my car before leaving the place. I will eat it because this isn't my 1st bad experience at a car wash.. the hunt for a car wash continues

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