Classic Relocation Network LLC. w Elmwood Park

Stany ZjednoczoneClassic Relocation Network LLC.



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57, Midland Avenue, 07407, Elmwood Park, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 844-324-6683
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.896236, Longitude: -74.103677

komentarze 5

  • en



    If I could give a -5 I would. This company made my move into my first home hell. I scheduled a move on my expected closing date but it was not a date set in stone yet which I informed the company of. I had to cancel the date because we did not close on time. I waited until we were sure of the closing date to call back so I wouldnt have to continue rescheduling. I asked for the move to be scheduled on a Friday. I did not have my calendar open and the person I spoke to mentioned a date I said whatever date the Friday falls on is when I want the move done. Well Friday comes around, we woke up at 4am to rearrange boxes and continue packing so everything would be ready for the movers at 10am. They scheduled our move for Saturday! They apologized and said they would be able to squeeze us in at 12pm. 1pm comes around and nothing. I call back and was told the workers were finishing up a job they would be by us in an hour. Two hours later and no call. I call back and was told they could have four guys at our house by 5:30! At this rate we had wasted all day waiting for the movers! We were smart and rented a uhaul truck to atleast start loading up with personal items as we just needed the movers for heavy items. We were so upset I asked to just cancel our move and we decided to make the move ourselves. We had been patient a day and and as nice as possible. We were offered to be "compensated" for the mixup I still declined. Then we received a call from the owner telling us the movers were on the way and implying the mixup of the scheduled move date was my fault for rescheduling so much( I canceled once!). I expressed their service was terrible I was frustrated and no longer believed their price was fair for what we had been going through all day. This happened to tick him off as they gave us a groupon discount and he went off saying this is why he doesnt like doing groupons because customers call back and make stupid comments like I just did. At this point I sent him to hell and let him know his workers can go home and enjoy the weekend. Thanks to this company we didnt finish our move until Friday at 8:30am. I have never experienced such terrible service in my life on top of being called stupid! I would never recommend or use this company!

  • Abbyl Lee

    Abbyl Lee


    Well, to say this process was exhausting it's without exaggeration. Thankful for everyone at Classic Relocation Network for helping me through this. I had to relocate for work and had no idea where to start. I researched tuns of companies and settled with them they seemed to have the most experience. Everything went exactly as planned and furniture showed up with no damage and no extra charges. I highly suggest using them if you want an honest company with no surprises.

  • Lokesh Gunda

    Lokesh Gunda


    These people are real fraudsters in this Moving and Relocation field. Their strategy is first quote for an amazing price and then bring a small truck instead of a normal truck for relocation and then demand for more money as there is lot of stuff to move and more work. Finally run away with the furniture and goods ( They also keep their mobile switched off ), Finally get the money that's two times the quote amount. Bottom line of the story is "You will be sleepless that night and also sleep late with no furniture at your new home and innocent kids suffer"

  • Shikhar Sagar

    Shikhar Sagar


    I wish if there was an option for 0 stars. Worst experience ever. Most unprofessional service. Strictly not recommended. The guys are real crooks, cheats. Didn't deliver what they promised and eloped with our stuff because they demanded more money than what was decided initially. Behaved like goons. DO NOT HIRE THEM.

  • Chris Cruz

    Chris Cruz


    Very satisfied! We would highly recommend Classic Relocation Network. Our movers were very nice, friendly and professional, they wrapped all our furniture, and they were fast. If we are moving again, we would hire Classic Relocation Network. Thank you!

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