Claren Harmon, DDS i Carmel

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterClaren Harmon, DDS



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252, East Carmel Drive, 46032, Carmel, Hamilton County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 317-848-7300
internet side:
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 39.9626166, Longitude: -86.1218842

kommentar 5

  • Steven F Smalley

    Steven F Smalley


    During these uncertain times with COVID-19, it was a relaxing experience knowing how clean and the care they take to clean and sanitize everything before working on you. Dr. Claren Harmon is simply one of the best dentist I have ever been to!! Do not hesitate booking your appointment with her.

  • Andrea Stott

    Andrea Stott


    Dr. Harmon is fantastic. She’s super friendly, efficient and excellent at her job. I always look forward to my appointments. Michelle is awesome as well, always friendly and easy to work with. Looking for a Dentist who cares, does a best job and has the best Bedside manner there/ look no further.

  • Cindy Hoskinson

    Cindy Hoskinson


    You will never have a more efficient, knowledgable, friendly dentist than Claren Harmon. She is amazing. I’d never laughed at a dentist‘s office before. Any anxiety I had about going to the dentist has completely vanished. She and Michelle will have you looking forward to your next visit. 5 stars for sure. Five out of five patients recommend Dr. Harmon. ❤️

  • Dan Harmon

    Dan Harmon


    Excellent dental experience. Dr Harmon and staff are just wonderful humans. Very knowledgeable and professional. Fixed a cavity and did a crown prep causing no discomfort. Y’all need to go there cause they be the best.

  • John G

    John G


    My sons and I have been going to Dr. Harmon for 20 years. She is excellent in her work and only does what is necessary. She has a wonderful personality and makes each visit enjoyable. Strongly recommend her if you are looking for a new dentist.

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