City Tires w Union

Stany ZjednoczoneCity Tires



🕗 godziny otwarcia

1676, Stuyvesant Avenue, 07083, Union, Union County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 908-688-4464
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.7121592, Longitude: -74.2578939

komentarze 5

  • Charles Gaskin

    Charles Gaskin


    Great new and used tires and great service. I recommend them highly!!!!

  • en

    rebecca ballister


    I'm very happy with City Tires. I've been there two times in each time they always had what I needed. They were fast and great customer service. I highly recommend City tires for great prices and great customer service

  • en

    D.S. M


    I had a great experience here. I hit a pothole & got a sidewall bubble in my tire. I have coverage for this so after I notified the company that I have the coverage with I went to City Tires to get the tire replaced. The GM, Piero didn't have my specific tire in stock & he called various places to get the tire. I was told the tire wouldn't be available until 2/3 days but he found a place that would expedite it the next day. He called me as soon as it came in & when I told him I wouldn't be able to make it until they were closed. He said they would stay a little after closing to ensure it was taken care of. The guys there are great & very helpful.

  • Evelyn Oswald

    Evelyn Oswald


    Exceptional service and great prices overall a very honest business with high integrity and great products.

  • maduro sancocho

    maduro sancocho


    Great service from good guys that work here... Owner is attentive and helps his guys. Prices are decent but more expensive compared to some places nearby. I'd recommend

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