City Line Florist w New Hyde Park

Stany ZjednoczoneCity Line Florist



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1640, Hillside Avenue, 11040, New Hyde Park, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 516-354-9037
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.7491289, Longitude: -73.6829149

komentarze 5

  • en

    Joseph Giarraputo


  • en

    Michael Pellegrino


    Beautiful arranangement,a true holiday centerpiece that garnered many superlative comments

  • en

    Kathleen Quinto


    Ordered a floral arrangement of a slot machine from Dean to be sent to Dalton Funeral Home last week. It was absolutely perfect in every wsy. Thank you .

  • en

    Valerie Oneill


    Using them for business and they are wonderful with beautiful arrangements.....could not be more accommodating when I call for an order

  • en

    Jason G


    I just had a bizarre and horrific experience at this place about 3 hours ago. This is the second purchase I tried to make from this florist shop. The first transaction went fine. Today, I walked in to arrange for a delivery, and there was a man sitting behind the counter that never looked up (even once) and kept talking on the phone about solar panels and taxes. There were no other customers in the store. It clearly wasn't a customer on the phone performing a business transaction. I just stood there like a fool in front of the counter shifting weight from one foot to another. After ten minutes of shuffling and some fake coughing, he called loudly to the back "bo!" and went back to his social conversation on the phone. He never once made eye contact or acknowledged my presence as a customer in his store. Nothing like: "I'll be right with you" or "just give me a minute". It sort of felt deliberate, and I wonder whether because of my ethnicity or just cause that's the way he treats everyone. After another few minutes I let him know that he needs to work on his customer service and walked out. His response was "go, we don't need your business anyway" and he went back to his phone conversation. I stood about 3 feet directly across the counter the whole time. I called the number of the store and asked for Maria (the person who sold me flowers the first time) to complain to her and "Dean" answered the phone and told me Maria was not there. I think that's the guy (he never introduced himself in the store). You can't make this stuff up. I literally drove to the next florist down the street and bought flowers from there. I might file a lawsuit against this place. Nobody should be treated like that, especially someone trying to buy flowers for a happy (or even a sad) occasion.

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