City Farmers Nursery w San Diego

Stany ZjednoczoneCity Farmers Nursery



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3110, Euclid Avenue, 92105, San Diego, San Diego County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 619-284-6358
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 32.7376785, Longitude: -117.0926638

komentarze 5




    Best nursery in town... but not JUST a nursery... Koi, Goats, Ducks, Chickens, Bees, Turtles, Turkeys, Cow, Cats, Worms, Rabbits, Birds, Bill and his awesome crew.

  • Max Schwede

    Max Schwede


    Really an awesome and and trustworthy purveyor of plants and gardening accessories. They always have what we need the first time, including incredibly healthy plants ready for replanting. As nice as can be, absolutely one of the go-to spots for gardening supplies and plants in San Diego.

  • Sue Hathaway

    Sue Hathaway


    This nursery is so awesome. Love the care they put into their plants. I try to order ladybugs for my roses every couple years, helps with the aphids. Many organic supplements for your garden. I'm trying to make sure to keep all pesticides out and protect the butterflies and bees that visit my yard. There's a great selection of roses, butterfly and hummingbird plants. Pretty much anything you want in your garden they have. The compost is amazing they sell. Nice area for the little ones to visit too!

  • Juliette Kelsey

    Juliette Kelsey


    Okay, this place is really cool. It’s lovely to be there, and Nate’s has really good food right next door, but the parking is kind of crazy. It wouldn’t be so bad, but it is on a busy street on a hill with really no parking in the area. Other than that, it’s got a really pleasant atmosphere, and it’s just beautiful.

  • en

    Mary Doan


    Top notch service in San Diego's old-fashioned, organic and innovative nursery in city heights! Great place to walk with kids, visit farm animals and get ideas for saving H20, native plantings and even a layered box garden. Always a new idea with a smile!

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